Pennsylvania – Call to Action
We officially have momentum in Pennsylvania to pass a financial education requirement in the state. Senator Gebhard has successfully passed SB 647, his financial education bill, through the Senate in a truly bipartisan vote! This in addition to the Pennsylvania State Educators Association (PSEA)’s support for the bill puts us in a great position to get this legislation over the finish line. SB 647 will ensure students across the state receive a quality financial education before they graduate high school and set them up to take control of their financial futures! If you’re from Pennsylvania and would like to help us ensure this bill passes through the house, please contact your house representative and ask them to support SB 647!
New York Blue Ribbon Commission
The New York Blue Ribbon Commission is making quick progress towards releasing their recommendations for changes to New York graduation requirements. It is now expected that the commission will be releasing their recommendations in the Fall. To ensure the commission prioritizes the importance of financial education in their recommendations, we want to encourage anyone from New York to reach out to members of the Blue Ribbon Commission and urge them to include improvements to the state’s financial education requirements. Find members of the commission here:
We are thrilled to say that Indiana successfully passed SB 35, which creates a standalone personal finance course requirement. Advocates in Indiana worked tirelessly to ensure that this legislation would require a standalone course, which research indicates is the most effective way to ensure young people receive a quality financial education. We are continuing to work with advocates in the state to help prepare educators to fulfill this new requirement.
We’ve also seen momentum in states like West Virginia and Montana, who recently passed new financial education requirements in their states!

Advocacy Network Updates
The coalition is working hard to improve efforts to engage our advocacy network in each state. To achieve this, we’ve asked everyone who would be interested in receiving targeted advocacy opportunities to share the state they reside in. We were able to utilize our network in Indiana to pass SB 35. Personalized letters coming from constituents in their states have shown to be extremely impactful for legislators!
Operation Hope
We are thrilled to announce that Operation Hope has joined our coalition! We look forward to expanding our partnership to help bring financial education requirements across the country. Their mission to expand economic opportunity for all will be strengthened by the FinEd50 coalition’s dedication to ensuring every young person has access to a financial education.