What is Advocacy?

Why should you advocate?
Currently, only 35 states require students to take a course in personal finance to graduate from high school. This leaves millions of students with limited or no access to this critical courses. Without state requirements, this access is also inequitable. Your advocacy can help to expand students’ access to this knowledge and a financially successful future.
Advocacy tips
Find your voice
Be Confident
Go into any interaction with confidence. If you aren’t 18 yet, you will be soon. You are the boss of any elected official – they work for you! You have the right to voice your opinion and to be heard. You know your story and your experience better than anyone else.
Your future
Do your homework
You are the expert on your story
Do not feel like you must have all the answers to go into an advocacy campaign. Lean on your teachers, leaders, or us at CEE for help. You are the expert on your story – you are not expected to be the subject matter expert on the issues or the legislative process. Advocacy does not need to be a full-time job – do what you can and feel empowered to use your voice to advocate for change for your community!
Join our Action Network
Join our Action Network to receive updates and materials you can use to advocate in your own community!